Tanya Norton

Sometimes God speaks to me in very unusual ways.  During my devotions this morning, my lesson came not from the Scriptures I was reading, but from my dog, Faith.  In order to fully understand, you would need to know this dog.  She is not necessarily the smartest dog on the planet, but she is the most loving, loyal dog you will ever encounter.  Faith lives to be loved! 

When possible, I love to do my devotions outside.  My back porch is one of the most peaceful places I can find.  As usual this morning, Faith was right there by my side.  Well, actually, she was right there trying to climb up into my lap!  A 60 lb. dog in your lap does not leave much room for a Bible, so I encouraged her to sit by my side instead where I could pet her while I read.  This satisfied her as long as I kept my hand on her head and rubbed it periodically.

As I was reading, God kept bringing Faith into my thoughts. (That, and she would nudge me every time I stopped petting her head.) She is totally devoted to me and wants nothing more than to spend time in my presence.  Isn’t this how we should be with God?  So often, I let the busyness of my day interfere with my time with the Lord.  “Too much stuff to do this morning.  I will do my devotions later.” (And does that later ever come?)  I get the picture, God.  I need to have the love and devotion of Faith, desiring nothing more than to spend every moment with You.

1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    Wonderful sentiment. He nudges us, too, with that still small voice. Thanks for being open to the nudges of Faith and faith.
    Keep up the God work.

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