Driving home from work Friday, the song I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me came on the radio. I love that song. Just the thought of what heaven will be like and what my reaction to being in the presence of God will be sends shivers up my spine. I think about many dear family members and friends who have already entered into God's presence and how they are now rejoicing with their Father. However, on Friday I had a slightly different perspective on the song.
We have been studying the book of Luke at church for the last couple of months. It has been wonderful looking at the well-known stories in a new light. A major theme of Luke is the Kingdom of God. He makes it clear that God's kingdom is not only coming in the future, but is already here with us. Since these thoughts have been rolling around in my mind for a while, they surfaced when I heard the song.
It is wonderful to imagine what we will do when we are face-to-face with God himself, but what about now. God's presence is always here. His kingdom is all around us. Do we act that way? We are constantly in the presence of God, but do we fall at his feet, sing hallelujah or stand quietly in awe? I must admit that most of the time I don't. I focus on the things that are part of the earthly kingdom. I see my problems, my failures, my wants, and my desires. I choose not to see God all around me. I choose not to see how he is working outside of time and space to accomplish his works in me. I choose not to bow at his feet.
I am going to make an effort to focus more on the kingdom in my life and less on my life. I am going to remind myself of the awesome God that has surrounded me with his presence. "I can only imagine" what my days will be like if I am choosing to focus on God rather than myself. How about you?