Do you ever get those ideas that just stick in your brain and refuse to go away? I just finished reading Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. It is definitely a book to challenge your way of thinking. In the next to last chapter, he challenges his readers to make a list of their life-goals. He uses Proverbs 29:18 to help make his point that we need to set God-sized, God-inspired goals for all areas of our lives. I have been mulling this over in my mind for several days now. Do I have life-goals or am I just taking it as it comes. Am I living or surviving?
I have never been a big fan of making a list of goals just so you can cross them off as you complete them. That has always seemed rather self-absorbed to me. However, I have been thinking of what my goals would be if I did list them out...not to cross them off, but to have them there to keep me focused. I spend so much time making sure Mike and the girls are reaching their goals (or what I see as the goals they need to have), my students are making their learning goals, and taking care of others, that I think I have lost sight of me. I forget to set goals for myself other than those that are required in my job. What are my long-term goals?
I think I will take Mark Batterson's challenge and make a list of my life-goals. It might take me a little while and a lot of thought and prayer, but I think I will be better for it in the end. Can my first goal be to make a list of my goals???