Okay, so the subtitle of this blog refers to balancing all the areas of my life. I don't think I'm doing such a good job of that right now. I have spent a good part of the summer cleaning out and organizing my new classroom. Since the last teacher left in the middle of the year (leaving lots of stuff behind) and the room has been used as storage for the past year, this has been a pretty big job. It still is not decorated and I am quickly running out of time...class starts in just a couple of weeks. In addition to the room, I am still getting acquainted with new curriculum, new school staff, and new school procedures. The pressure is definitely mounting! Fears of failure, based on some of my weaknesses from the last time I taught full-time are also beginning to creep in.
Next week, I am teaching the preschool class of Vacation Bible School for the children in our local Migrant Workers' Camp. I will have children ranging from just walking through kindergarten age. Many of the little ones only speak Spanish. We have VBS under a big tent in an open field, so many of the published activities just will not work. It is a matter of picking and choosing, adjusting for multiple ages, and making up some of my own stuff. Needless to say, this has been a big job. I am having a lot of trouble motivating myself to get the work done. I love teaching children and this ministry is wonderful, but I am finding myself dreading it rather than looking forward to it. I know I can't go on Monday to teach these dear ones with this attitude. If I had known that I would get a teaching job this year, I would not have volunteered because it is a lot of work just before school starts. My lack of excitement is making me feel even worse, because I know it is a poor attitude when going to do God's work.
Some people get energized when they are feeling under the gun. Unfortunately, I am just the opposite. I tend to shut down when my stress level goes over the top. So, instead of working on the VBS stuff that is sitting on my kitchen table, I am blogging about it. :-) If any of you have any really good tips on dealing with stress in a positive way, please send them my way. And if you would pray for my attitude about VBS this week, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!